Monday, January 24, 2011

Back In The Captain's Chair

It's been quite a few weeks since my last post. In fact, I dare say it's been months. I kind of got lost out there in the great black beyond of space of life. It happens; don't deny it.

That said, I guess I need to make an accounting of myself. But with that much down time from this then-fledgling blog, there's quite a bit to make an accounting for.

I'll start with the simple and obvious. I got engaged. Yes yes, I know it's not like once that happened I lost all possible free time in which to blurt out randomly sweet nothings into the blogosphere, but for all my sweetheart and I have gotten done in such a relatively short time, there's a lot tied and related to the planning process. I'm starting to convince myself that over half the 'wedding planning' is actually just talking about the wedding planning. Not just the parents, both her's and mine, but to other people, regardless of their invite status. Discussing what's been done so far, discussing what has yet to get done, discussing what will happen after the wedding, discussing expectations, discussing discussing discussing. If it was possible to feed the hungry, house the homeless, and fulfill all energy needs with wedding discussions, I'm sure world peace would have helped itself to our world and the salsa that happens to be in the fridge. Once it's open, you sort of need to take care of it pronto. Salsa doesn't stay good for that long after it's been opened.

Anyway, a good portion of the wedding planning has been dealt with. There are still some notable details that need hashed out like the wedding cake and what readings and music we want for the ceremony itself. Since we got engaged mid-November, we locked down the ceremony location, reception location, rehearsal dinner location, bridal parties, flowers (still working on the prices), dresses for all members of the bridal party, transportation, hotel accomodations for out-of-town guests, invitations picked out, wedding bands picked (mine is actually already purchased; hers is depending on who has it and at what price), guest list nailed down (and hopefully the parents will stop giving it plenty of sunlight and water - we're already bumping up against our self-imposed cap without letting it grow!), honey moon is planned, vacation times are requested, one gift registry is full auto while another needs to get on the ball.

And then there's the marriage planning, which would be stuff like (in my opinion) place to live, getting financial records and official insurance and registrations of all things (like cars and loans and bank accounts and all of that wonderful fun stuff) brought up to speed, obtaining (hopefully without resorting to petty theft and black market maneuverings) furniture and appliances that keep a couple a happy couple when sharing a space. As an aside, we are quite comfortable with small spaces, but I'm sure not all the long-term couples could be wrong when they say that there will be times when "cozy" (what they mean is "cramped") just isn't doing either person any favors.

I guess you could say that I'm looking very forward to June 4th, when I am made a husband and take on a wife. That will eliminate the worries of at least half the above. I have a feeling that even if the other half is relative smooth sailing, it'll still be nice to be able to give it the attention it all deserves.

How anyone can possibly deal with a multi-year engagement is beyond me. I know that I'd be banging my head against a wall and wondering why I should wait so long for something that is going to happen. I would want to have all the time I can to learn, and hopefully come close to perfecting, how to live with the love of my life.

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