Thursday, July 29, 2010

Silly Randomness or I Feel Like Posting Something Before Five Days Have Gone By Without

Thursday morning. Harumph.

I'm starting to not become a fan of Thursdays. Don't know why, but I suspect it has to do with knowing once I'm off work, I worry about nothing but the game ahead of me. Tonight's game is at 7, so you'd think I would worry less about it as opposed to a 9 game time, but all that worry just gets more concentrated per cubic minute. Don't ask how it's possible, just believe that it is.

I was going to open the photos with this blog with a shot of bug-bitten left foot. But then I thought that would be a bit much for the first photo. Maybe I'll make that the second photo, but then it may not be bug-bitten at that point. Lucky you.

And because I have nothing else to add (see title above, if you would), I will say that libraries whose computers are managed by a bunch of network administrators will always have irrate patrons because sometimes the library staff can only fall back on the much detested but true reason for why something doesn't work or why some setting is tamper-proof being: "I'm afraid there's nothing we can do at this time, because it's an issue that the tech support people need to deal with directly." Of course, the irrate patrons are always the same ones with the same problems on the same computer (there are over a dozen, buddy, pick a different one, would ya?), and they always act surprised or super-frustrated as if they never in their wildest nightmares imagined a computer dedicated for public use would fail to work for everything at all times.

Next time, we'll be spacefaring to a planet that has something to do with anime. Don't worry - it should be palatable for those allergic to such things.

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