Saturday, September 4, 2010

Random Thoughts Before Labor Day

It's been awhile since I've put up a post, so I thought I would ramble for a bit to keep the electronic cobwebs from building up a'la Indiana Jones fashion.

I don't really have any focal point for this post, but I do know the next post will be ruminating over the nature of donated books and what that means for me. There will be photos, so be anticipatory!

Other things on my mind? Hockey, of course. NHL season is upcoming - about another month for the regular season to start, and the Pens get to kick it off with their first game in the new building against the much hated Philthy Flyers. Not sure if I'll be going to it, but one can hope. My own personal hockey season at B'ville is still going rocky. I'm doing something wrong but can't figure it out. I mean, I know what I do wrong when I let up goals, but I can't seem to break a mental or physical block with regards to ammending my play. It's a bit frustrating at times, but at least during the last game, I was more patient with it as opposed to the previous game. Maybe not falling behind by 8 goals helped.

Also, a notion that I wasn't going to post until I got a bit further with the progress, I've taken to a peculiar delusion that I can try creating, or at least laying down a framework, for a role-playing game. Odd, you may think, and I really can't fault you for that. If I get more ideas on paper and details worked out, maybe I'll let y'all in on what it's about and what inspired me to go that route.

It sort of scares me, to be honest.

Next time: Super-Dimensional Defensive Donations!

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