Wednesday, August 25, 2010

I Don't Remember - Honestly!

Hmm, wha? No, seriously. I don't remember what I was going to blog about. But I've been wanting to blog, so blog I will. How about a blog about remembering what I wanted to blog about? That's as good as anything, I suppose.

Let's start with what it's occured to me to blog about. List style, for sure!
1) Mockingjay by Suzanne Collins
2) The Body by Stephen King
3) Hockey soundtrack changes
4) Thoughts on the upcoming NHL season, Penguins in particular
5) Thoughts on the nature of patron donations - but this would be highly edited, since I wouldn't want to get in trouble with work, now would I?
6) Formation of musical tastes - or distastes, to some of you
7) More thoughts on anime - probably looking at specific titles or subgenre within that category
8) Cars - more precisely, why I hate my car and what future options may or may not be
9) Explanation for the way libraries work - very likely a painfully long post that will bore you people out of your skulls; good for killing hangovers, maybe?
10) Some philosophical loftiness having to do with the nature of men and women, or conflict development, or why chocolate covered peanut butter filled pretzels is a food made in heaven

Honestly, I think I pulled the last four selections or so out of my ass. But I really wanted to have 10 items on that list.

Now if only we had a never-ending coffee creamer dispenser at work...

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